Eye of the storm – Stephanie Messenger


Ep 589 Eye of the storm – Stephanie Messenger

My dear little boy was no longer rolling over, gooing or gahing, in fact he wasn’t doing anything anymore. He was now over one year of age and had not progressed past 4 months of age, when he had his last immunisations. He had in fact regressed to a newborn state, although now he was the length of a toddler. I carried him around in a sling close to my heart and waited for the day he would leave me forever.

When blood started coming from his mouth and I was not getting much sleep at all so I could watch over him, he was admitted to hospital again. He passed away a few weeks later.

Vaccination killed him, I have no doubt. If he crawled under the sink and drank the same poisonous concoction of heavy metals, formaldehyde, foreign proteins, multiple viruses and a host of other toxins, the emergency room would have called it poisoning. Because it was injected into his body, it’s called ’a coincidence’! Funny about that. I have since met many parents with similar stories.

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Will Debt Jubilee save Australia some pain? Maybee its time to

Keiser Report: Greece, Beware Bureaucrats & Bankers Bearing Bailouts (E716)
Episode 716

In this Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert warn Greece to beware bureaucrats and bankers bearing bailouts.
In the second half, Max continues with the second part of his interview with Kerry-Anne Mendoza about her new best selling book,
“Austerity: The demolition of the welfare state and the rise of the zombie economy.”

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The Jesuits in Geopolitics – Leuren Moret

Ep 584 The Jesuits in Geopolitics – Leuren Moret

22.01.15 Leuren Moret joins us again for part 2 as discuss the history and influence of the Jesuits – The Society of Jesus or the Vatican Assassins within geopolitics, economy and religion worldwide.

Together we discuss the bloodlines of ancient families including the Astor, Hapsburg, Palhavichini, Brokenspear, Kerry, Albright, Clinton’s and others. We discuss the ancient battleground in Ukraine and the diverse culture being destroyed by the Jesuits running the CIA and the Pentagon.

We discuss the use of Cultural Marxism to destroy culture, and color revolutions funded by Soros and run by Nuland and other. We discuss the Jesuit MO in overthrowing nations in history and today.


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Australian taxation department illegal & the corrupt constitution

Australian taxation department illegal & the corrupt constitution

Uploaded on 22 Feb 2011

Australian government corruption

Australian Taxation Office aka ATO

Published on 3 Mar 2013

Australian Taxation Office is NOT a Legal Entity and the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner are ONLY administrators and CANNOT claim tax liabilities – There you have it Australia, the ATO DO NOT EXIST! Watch this video and learn how to beat the ATO lawfully – this goes for ALL TAXATION AGAINST THE PEOPLE.

IRS Goes Global – #NewWorldNextWeek

Basic Fraud Documents

Published on 23 Feb 2014

This video will hopefully help you understand something about Australia and the position it is in right now. Go to this web site for more information. There are many documents you can read on line or download to your computer and read them later.
http://www.clrg.info/ also http://basic-fraud.com/ for documents you need to read up on.

Australia’s Largest Secret Scam (MIND BLOWING INFO)

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The Jesuits in history – Leuren Moret

The Jesuits in history – Leuren Moret

20.12.14 Leuren Moret joins us to discuss the history and influence of the Jesuits – The Society of Jesus or the Vatican Assassins within geopolitics, economy and religion worldwide.

Leuren is a an internationally recognized Geo scientist and has researched in the biological effects of ionizing radiation, secret mind control experiments at the “monkey colony”, mind control applications for HAARP, animal experiments adapted for human applications and global HAARP transmissions, and human experiments conducted in a “safe house” under the MK ULTRA program.

After living in Iran and traveling around Europe and the Middle East, she returned to UC Berkeley and graduated in 1978 with an M.A. in Near Eastern Studies and the equivalent of a Masters degree in Wildlife Studies. She has visited 50 countries educating the public, media, Parliaments and Congress, and making 20 speaking tours in Japan from 2000-2010.

She states: “I can think of no greater reward for my many years of effort and hard work in the sciences, than to be the messenger warning the Global Community about the horrific dangers of HAARP and nuclear technologies.

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Australian Tax Law Fraud

Uploaded on 7 Jan 2008

the legal madness of australian tax law , the illegal nature of australian law , the scam being played out on the australian taxpayers and citizens , criminals in power, find out why.

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Bail ins, Aka resolution, whats a credit default swap?

Episode 694


Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the arrival of the ‘shakedown times’ as our deposits and pension funds are now open to confiscation to Too Big To Fail banks in ‘resolution’…something that used to be known as ‘bankruptcy.’ In the second half Max interviews Karl Denninger about the likely oil price collapse impact on credit markets and the “Adequacy of Loss-Absorbing Capacity of Global Systemically Important Banks in Resolution”…say what? And, finally, the discuss the latest shenanigans from Jamie Dimon who lobbied to roll back certain Dodd Frank provisions regarding derivatives.


sum of justice

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A disarmed public cant protect their stuff or their rights

Dollar Collapse For Dummies

Published on 16 Dec 2014
David Knight takes the studio for Alex Jones and discusses the coming collapse with callers.

Another Positive Gun Story You Won’t See On The National Media

port arthur massacre martin bryant setup pt1

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Cancer and the Aluminium connection


Cancer and the Aluminium connection

The Globalist Report

We are all exposed to a range of cancer causing chemicals and substances unwillingly every day. One substance that the globalists and government don’t want you know about that could be causing you considerable harm and health problems is aluminium. The fact is most people are exposed to aluminium on a daily basis. Very little is publicized about the risks and dangers of being exposed to aluminium and most of us are unaware of how many common products use aluminium as a medium of storage or control.

New research published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology has revealed that long-term exposure of MCF-10A human mammary epithelial cells to aluminium results in anchorage-independent growth, a key hallmark of cultured tumour cells and of cells on the way to malignant transformation. This study also found that shorter (7 days) exposure to aluminium results in diminished cell numbers owing to cellular senescence.

A commonly used house hold product that contains aluminium is deodorant (antiperspirants). The aluminium contaminant found in most antiperspirants is Aluminium Chlorohydrate. A 1990 study discovered an association between exposure to aluminium and long-term use of antiperspirants and Alzheimer’s disease. Observations made indicated a trend toward a higher risk with increasing frequency of use (2). Due to the ease of Aluminium being absorbed through the skin through the daily application of antiperspirants containing high concentrations of aluminium, this type of exposure can increase the risks of being exposed to Aluminium Chlorohydrate well above what would be considered normal.

The effect of aluminium on cellular proliferation and cellular senescence is strikingly similar to that of activated oncogenes, which increases DSBs and cellular senescence by inducing proliferation stress when transfected into normal cells. The study found this effect surprising for aluminium, present in antiperspirants at high concentrations because, presumably, it is considered harmless for the breast area. In contrast to gallium and indium which belong to the same group as aluminium in the Mendeleev Table, they did not induce anchorage-independent growth in MCF-10A cells, showing that the effects reported in this study are specific for aluminium. (1)

Although most of us are exposed to aluminium at home, many are exposed to aluminium during the producing of aluminium products. Aluminium production and metalworking industries have shown consistent elevated risks for pancreatic cancer (3). In Canada, the mortality of a large group of men employed in aluminium production using the Söderberg process was examined between 1950 and 1977, and compared with the pertinent rates for the Province of Quebec. Workers exposed to condensed pitch volatiles exhibited significantly increased mortality from all cancers (304 observed, 246.6 expected), and from oesophageal and stomach cancer (50 observed, 32.8 expected), lung cancer (101 observed, 70.7 expected) and other malignancies (60 observed, 45.3 expected) (4).


The number of products that contain aluminium is unbelievable. The globalists and the government don’t want you to know what products contain aluminium. So why is the government and the globalists not advising you, the consumer, of the risks of using products that contain aluminium? The only logical reasons I can think of would be because many of the globalists have vested interests in organisations that produce profitable products that contain aluminium and the government is reaping millions of dollars in tax from the purchase of products that contain aluminium. The following is a list of household products that the globalists and the government don’t want you to know that contain aluminium.
Many body lotions and creams
Most cosmetics
Shampoos and conditioners
Suntan lotions
Lip Balm
Processed cheese
Baking powder
Cake mix
Frozen dough
Pancake mix
Self-raising flour
Pickled vegetables.

Also, the following food additives contain aluminium compounds. They are E173, E520, E521, E523 E541, E545, E554, E555 E556 and E559.

Aluminium salts are also found in many common medicines.
Anti-diarrhoea products
Anti-haemorroid preparations.

Please note, if your doctor has prescribed the above three medicines, please do not discontinue using them. Speak to your doctor at your next appointment and ask if there are any suitable alternatives.


The risk of developing breast cancer from excessive use of aluminium is also evident. A study published in 2003 by the European Journal of Cancer Prevention found a correlation between earlier diagnosis of breast cancer and antiperspirant deodorant use (5). A 2003 study also indicated “underarm shaving with antiperspirant deodorant use may play a role in breast cancer (5).

Thankfully, the link between breast cancer and aluminium is not conclusive and still needs considerable research to be conducted. A 2004 study reviewing the evidence for and against the possible link between breast cancer and underarm cosmetics wrote “Although animal and laboratory studies suggest a possible link between certain chemicals used in underarm cosmetics and breast cancer development, there is no reliable evidence that underarm cosmetics use increases breast cancer risk in humans (6).


The fundamental problem we all face is that the many symptoms of aluminium poisoning are usually associated with other illnesses. This therefore poses a risk to the identification and causes of many illnesses. Symptoms of over exposure to aluminium can be:
Gastrointestinal problems
Interference with the metabolism of calcium
Extreme nervousness
Decreased liver and kidney function
Memory loss
Speech problems
Softening of the bones
Aching muscles


There are many options available if you would like to remove heavy metals such as aluminium from your body. One recommendation I would first suggest would be to visit your local Naturopath. Your local Naturopath would have a good understanding of what foods are ordinarily consumed were you live and the local remedies that are available. Common foods that can be used to detox heavy metals are as follows:
Lemon Juice
Soaking your feet with Epsom salts and sea salt (1/2 cup each).
Fish Oil
Vitamin C
Ionic Foot Bath
Chelation Therapy – EDTA, DMSO, etc. Chelation can be done by IV, orally or by suppository.
Detox clay bath
Malic acid – in supplement form or just eat apples.
Magnesium – helps shut out aluminium from cells. Works hand in hand with malic acid.
Eat sulphur-rich foods such as eggs, cabbage, beans and onions.


The risks associated with being exposed to aluminium regularly outweigh the cost of avoidance. This harmful product is found in our food, medications and cosmetics. Over exposure can increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and various other illnesses. The best way to reduce the risk of being over exposed to aluminium is to avoid it all together. What the globalists and our government are doing here is exactly the same as what they did with the use of BPA in children’s products. I encourage you to begin making the necessary changes to your daily routine to eliminate this heavy metal from your body. We are already over exposed to many heavy metals and poisons and this is one that can be easily eliminated.

Cited Sources
1.Sappino, A.-P., Buser, R., Lesne, L., Gimelli, S., Béna, F., Belin, D. and Mandriota, S. J. (2012), Aluminium chloride promotes anchorage-independent growth in human mammary epithelial cells. Journal of Applied Toxicology
2.Graves AB, White E, Koepsell TD, Reifler BV, van Belle G, Larson EB (1990). “The association between aluminium-containing products and Alzheimer’s disease”. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 43 (1): 35–44
3.Andreotti, G. and Silverman, D. T. (2012), Occupational risk factors and pancreatic cancer: A review of recent findings. Molecular Carcinogenesis, 51: 98–108
4.Gibbs, G.W. (1985) Mortality of aluminum reduction plant workers, 1950 through 1977. J. occup. Med., 27, 761-770
5.McGrath KG (December 2003). “An earlier age of breast cancer diagnosis related to more frequent use of antiperspirants/deodorants and underarm shaving” (PDF). European Journal of Cancer Prevention 12 (6): 479–85
6.Gikas PD, Mansfield L, Mokbel K (September–October 2004). “Do underarm cosmetics cause breast cancer?”. Int J Fertil Womens Med 49 (5): 212–4
7.(7Detox Central, http://www.detox-central.com/aluminum-detox.html, visited Thursday 26 January 2012

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The Chemicals in Chemtrails

https://clareswinney.wordpress.com/2010/05/09/chemtrail-chemicals-confirmed-barium-aluminium-found-in-whangarei-nz-rainwater/8:13 AM 12/11/2014

On the 16th of April, shortly after making a short film with Jim Reece, which is at YouTube titled ‘Forecast – Toxic Rain Expected in Northland, NZ: Chemtrails & The Technology Of Death,’ rainwater was collected in Whangarei in order to establish if chemtrail chemicals were in the air – in particular, barium and aluminium, which have been linked to drought-inducing weather modification technology overseas.

Barium, which is an immune-system suppressant, is a soft silvery metallic alkaline earth metal and it should not be found in rainwater, period. It is believed to being pumped into the atmosphere in aerosols sprayed from aircraft around the world, where it is being used for a variety of stealth warfare purposes in a silent war that is being waged against humanity.

A big clue regarding barium’s uses comes from Bernard Eastlund’s patent for HAARP. HAARP is a transmitter which can be used for a variety of functions, including heating the ionosphere. It has the ability to direct a steerable electromagnetic beam at the upper atmosphere and effect rainfall patterns in a particular region and notably, the patent calls for large clouds of barium to be released into the atmosphere.

As well as barium, there is strong evidence to show that the massive aerosol operations that are going on around the world, include the spraying of aluminium. Disturbingly, this is being found to have a devastating impact on eco-systems in some regions. In an area of Shasta County in California, where a lot of research has been conducted into the impact of these aerosols, it has been established that aluminium is altering the pH of the soil from acidic to neutral and causing the trees to die. Thus, Whangarei rainwater was tested for the presence of aluminium also.

In addition, I opted to test for boron and arsenic, as these, amongst other toxins, have been found in high levels in Australian rainwater where chemtrailing is occurring.

R J Hill Laboratories Ltd did the testing. It is accredited by International Accreditation New Zealand and the prices are reasonable. For example, it was only about $15 (including GST) to test for aluminium.

On the advice of Carole Rodgers-Carroll of Hill Laboratories, I acquired a Pump water bottle, which holds 750 ml, to send the sample to the lab in, as she said these bottles are relatively free of contaminants.

Collecting 750ml rainwater was not a straightforward task, because rainfall has been uncharacteristically light this year. I started collecting rain on April the 16th – a day during which it only rained a little. After it appeared to have finished raining that day, and I had tipped the water into the bottle, I noticed the rainwater had bright-white particles floating in it, of the same brightness seen in aerosols seen being sprayed in the region. (See the photo of the white particles in the collecting tray below.)

Rain was collected on three other days and the bottled filled on April the 27th – a day during which it rained quite heavily for some time.

Click to access 788376-sp-1.pdf




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